Best one yet!
This one worked for me the other day. I got VERY stressed and went for a drive and I suddenly felt better. When I got home, AJs voice popped into my head and I realized it had to have been in my
subconscious mind as well.
Ive been hitting it 5 times main long induction delayed wake for months now and I think its working!
Unlike Move On, this app works, calculates time and does the wake without crashing or draining the battery.
Also, it will make you fall asleep quickly! Dont take just my word for it; ask my dog! One night he fell asleep and started dreaming before I did!
Note: if you have delayed wake set, it will kick at the end of the chosen time minute, not the start. Just in case you think its broken. Cheers!
Neuromastic about
Stress Free with AJ, v5.0